Career Possibilities

Philosophy is very useful as an undergraduate degree. The study of philosophy broadens one’s intellectual horizons and it helps develop a sense of one’s identity and intellectual roots. It increases one’s analytic, critical and interpretive capacities and powers. If you’re interested in going on to graduate school, law school, seminary, or business administration programs, the skills that you develop as a philosophy major can help you compete for admission to these programs. Philosophy majors are top performers on both the LSAT and the GRE, and, according to the American Medical School Association, a very high proportion of philosophy majors are accepted to medical school. In recent years, philosophy majors from CSCUDH have pursued law degrees, M.A. degrees and PhD degrees at various universities, including Florida A&M University, San Francisco State University, Loyola Marymount University and University of California, Riverside.

Philosophy prepares you not only for further graduate work, but for work in a variety of other fields. A 2009 study of over 300 CEOs, presidents, and vice presidents revealed that the top two skills that business leaders seek in college graduates are "the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing", and "critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills", two skills central to success as a philosophy major. Salary-wise, philosophy majors are tied with mathematics majors for the highest percentage in salary increase from beginning to mid-career salary, with a mean salary of over $81,000 after 15 years on the job. CSUDH philosophy majors found careers in business consulting, law, teaching, higher education, counseling, financial advising, public service, humanitarian organizations and local environmental organizations.

For more information about career possibilities, please see the Career Center and the Philosophy entry in the university catalog.