Online Hybrid Distance Learning

The Online and Hybrid Distance Learning Committee (OHLC) shall be integrated and function as an integral part of the university curriculum review process. The approval of courses for Online and Hybrid modality shall be delineated by the University Curriculum Committee in consultation with college curriculum committees, the General Education Committee (if appropriate), and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. 

Committee Charge 

Operationalizing the recommendations of the Task Force, as seen in the Report of March 20, 2019.

Recommending policies to the Educational Policy Committee (EPC) related to best practices in the field, as well as resolving possible conflicts or overlap with preexisting CSU and CSUDH policies.

Working with college curricular committees and the UCC on matters related to curricular development as it relates to online and hybrid courses.

Overseeing issues related to the offering of online and hybrid courses, faculty workload, course requirements, training, and any and all such potential conflicts or redundancies that may arise in the course of its efforts.


Voting Members

  • OHLC will be co-chaired by an elected member from the Educational Policy Committee and an appointed member of Academic Affairs respectively.The OHLC faculty co-chair will receive appropriate reassigned time.
  • Further additional members will be:
  • The Chair of the Academic Technology Committee, or their designee;
  • One faculty representative—tenured, tenure track, or non-tenure track—elected by University Library faculty, with elections to be confirmed bythe ASCSUDH.
    • Elected non-tenure-track faculty will receive compensation in the form of professional development funds.
  • A staff member appointed from Information Technology
  • Director of the Faculty Development Center, or their designee
  • One faculty representative—tenured, tenure track, or non-tenured track—elected by faculty from each of the colleges of CSUDH, with elections to be confirmed by ASCSUDH
    • Elected non-tenure-track faculty will receive compensation in the form of professional development funds.
  • One student representative elected by Associated Students, Inc.

Non-voting, ex officios

  • The Dean of Undergraduate Studies;
  • The Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

Faculty elected to OHLC will have either successfully completed an appropriately designated training program focused on teaching online and hybrid courses or can demonstrate experience effectively teaching online or hybrid courses. Faculty representing fully online programs are particularly encouraged to serve. Representatives may fulfill multiple roles. For example, a member may represent both their college and a committee or center. Members will serve for a period of two years.

OHLC Reports
OHLC will make recommendations and reports available to the Senate Executive as they are prepared. 

Committee Members (2024-2025) 

  • Jim Hill, (EPC Chair, Faculty Co-Chair)
  • Reza Boroon, (Co-chair, IT Staff)
  • Anna De La Serna (CAH, FDC)
  • Harun Rashid (CBAPP)
  • Kimberley A. Radmacher (CHHSN)
  • Kitty Fortner (COE)
  • Sohalia Shakib (CNBS)
  • Marwin Britto (LIB)
  • Kim Costino (Dean, Undergrad Studies


Thursdays, 10am-11am, via zoom

  • September 15
  • October 6 & 20
  • November 3 & 17
  • December 1

OHLC Documents:

OHLC Minutes and Agendas 

End of Year Reports 

If you would like additional information, please contact Rosio Moreno, Academic Programs Coordinator at or Tracey McGuire, Senate Analyst @