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Our new PLUS Math (Plan, Learn, Use and Share Math) series offers teaching-focused sessions on a variety of topics. In these sessions you will have a chance to share and learn with other teachers about content and classroom best practices backed by current research, and plan how to use these in your own classroom.
PLUS Math meetings will be held on Saturday mornings in a virtual format. Our two meetings in Spring 2023 will be Saturday, February 25, 2023 & Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9:00-12:00 PM on Zoom.
Our First session for Spring 2023, Lessons Learned from Teaching Math for Social Justice, will take place on February 25, 2023. How can you use math to address social and environmental justice? What lessons or tools are available to support this work? In this session we will discuss lessons learned from teaching a math for social justice class in Fall 2022. You will have a chance to experience an activity and plan how you can use these ideas in your own classroom. Click here to register.