CSUDH Password Management

Welcome to the CSUDH Self-Service Password Management Reset (SSPR) System

Use the CSUDH SSPR utility to manage your password and account security. Please follow the guidelines to Create a Strong Password.


Important Sign
IMPORTANT: Use the format: 'user@campus.csudh.edu' when asked to enter your campus email or User Principle Name (UPN).

Checkmark, green For example use: user@campus.csudh.edu.

X mark, red Do not use: user@toromail.csudh.edu, user@csudh.edu, user@contoso.onmicrosoft.com or user@contoso.com email format.


RECOMMENDATION: Secure your CSUDH account by setting up multiple methods for password recovery - in case you lose or change your phone or tablet. Learn how to set up or change phone, email, or security questions.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By choosing an option below, I acknowledge it is my responsibility to read, understand, and adhere to CSU and CSUDH's Information Security Policies, Standards, Procedures, and Acceptable Use Policy of CSUDH Electronic Communications Systems and Services.



NEED TO CHANGE EXISTING CONTACT INFO OR SECURITY QUESTIONS? Use other button: "Setup or Change Phone, Email, or Security Questions"