Supply Chain Management Certificate Courses

Supply Chain Management Certificate Online

 View Course Schedule & Register FAQs

Note: Students may enroll through the first week of class with no approval required.

Online Course Schedule

Please note that more course offerings may be available in the future. Spring courses are posted in early October, Summer courses are posted in February, and Fall courses are posted in early March.

Fall 2024

* Schedule and costs subject to change at any time; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated 1/21/2025
Start DateEnd DateCRNDept | SecCourse TitleHoursDaysTimesReg DeadlineFeeInstructor
09/09/202412/08/202446221PIX 351 41Supply Chain Fundamentals45ONLINEONLINE09/13/2024$615F Putz
 PIX 351 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Thursdays, 6:30–9:30pm PT (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)
09/09/202412/08/202446222PIX 355 41Supply Chain Operations45ONLINEONLINE09/13/2024$615F Putz
 PIX 357 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PT (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

Spring 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDept | SecCourse TitleHoursDaysTimesReg DeadlineFeeInstructor
01/06/202504/06/202525544PIX 351 41Supply Chain Fundamentals45ONLINEONLINE01/10/2025$615F Putz
 PIX 351 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Tuesdays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)
01/06/202504/06/202525545PIX 359 41Supply Chain Strategies45ONLINEONLINE01/10/2025$615F Putz
 PIX 359 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

Summer 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDept | SecCourse TitleHoursDaysTimesReg DeadlineFeeInstructor
04/07/202507/06/202535371PIX 351 41Supply Chain Fundamentals45ONLINEONLINE04/11/2025$615F Putz
 PIX 351 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Tuesdays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)
04/07/202507/06/202535372PIX 353 41Supply Chain Scheduling45ONLINEONLINE04/11/2025$615F Putz
 PIX 359 Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)


Live Online Course Delivery

All classes for this program are LIVE ONLINE. This instructor-led program utilizes our campus' Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) available directly at, as well as through our student portal, MyCSUDH. Live virtual class sessions are conducted at the day/time indicated in the program schedule.
Attendance and participation via Zoom at all class sessions is required.

For students using corporate/government/restricted access devices: Please check with your organization's IT services to ensure that you'll be able to access CSUDH's Canvas, Zoom, and Toromail resources prior to your first class session.

Be sure to get your password and instructions to access MyCSUDH and other CSUDH online resources when you register, and download/print materials for the first week prior to course start.

For questions regarding technical issues, please contact the CSUDH IT Helpdesk at 310.243.2500 and/or ►


Course Descriptions

The Supply Chain Management Certificate must be completed within 3 years of taking your first class in the program.

Supply Chain Fundamentals ProgramPIX 351 | Supply Chain Fundamentals
PIX 353 | Supply Chain Scheduling
PIX 355 | Supply Chain Operations
PIX 357 | Supply Chain Planning
PIX 359 | Supply Chain Strategies


PIX 351 | Supply Chain Fundamentals (3 Units)

Supply chain management covers the flow of a product from the supplier to the manufacturer through the distribution system to the customer. This includes planning, forecasting, purchasing, manufacturing, moving, storing and tracking a product from conception to customer possession. This course provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and vocabulary to prepare students for the remaining courses in the certificate program.

 Lecture Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Thursdays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

 Required Text:

  • Introduction to Materials Management (9th Edition), Steve Chapman

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PIX 353 | Supply Chain Scheduling (3 Units)

Course Prerequisite: PIX 351 Supply Chain Fundamentals
This course focuses on the various techniques for material and capacity scheduling. This includes detailed descriptions of the material requirements, planning and capacity requirements, planning processes and the impact of inventory management, procurement, and supplier planning on these processes.

 Lecture Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

 Required Texts:

  • Introduction to Materials Management (9th Edition), Steve Chapman (* student should already have this book from the PIX 351 course)
  • Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, F. Robert Jacobs, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark, Thomas E. Vollmann. ISBN 978-1-260-10838-5.

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PIX 355 | Supply Chain Operations (3 Units)

Course Prerequisite: PIX 351 Supply Chain Fundamentals
This course covers the techniques for scheduling and controlling the manufacturing process. This includes prioritizing the work, executing the orders and reporting the results as part of the performance evaluation feedback. Inventory must also be controlled so its influence on the schedule is also discussed.

 Lecture Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

 Required Text:

  • Operations Management, An Integrated Approach (7th Edition), Dan Reid and Nada Sanders. ISBN-13: 978-1-119-49738-7

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PIX 357 | Supply Chain Planning (3 Units)

Course Prerequisite: PIX 351 Supply Chain Fundamentals
This course covers demand management and its relationship to strategic and business planning. This includes forecasting, how to develop an achievable master schedule, and distribution planning which covers the concepts of establishing distribution centers, replenishing centers and transporting the product from the supplier to the customer.

 Lecture Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

 Required Texts:

  • *Introduction to Materials Management (9th Edition), Steve Chapman (*student should already have this book from the PIX 351 course)
  • Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, F. Robert Jacobs, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark, Thomas E. Vollmann. ISBN 9781260108385.

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PIX 359 | Supply Chain Strategies (3 Units)

Course Prerequisite: PIX 351 Supply Chain Fundamentals
This course covers the higher-level thinking of strategic planning which includes how to develop a strategy after understanding the company’s business environment. Once the strategy is determined then it must be implemented so leadership roles and responsibilities to make the change are reviewed.

 Lecture Live Stream Broadcast Schedule:
Mondays, 6:30–9:30pm PST (recorded lectures may be viewed at a later time on Canvas)

 Required Texts:

  • Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, F. Robert Jacobs, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark, Thomas E. Vollmann. ISBN 978-1-260-10838-5.

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Supply Chain Management Course Schedule Outlook:

Class | TitleSpring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026Fall 2026
PIX 351 | Supply Chain Fundamentals
PIX 353 | Supply Chain Scheduling
PIX 355 | Supply Chain Operations
PIX 357 | Supply Chain Planning
PIX 359 | Supply Chain Strategies

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 Information & Registration

When you're ready to register for courses, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1). 

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; please check the Course Schedule for the program to ensure that you can enroll on time.

Have other questions?
Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call: 310-243-2075, email:, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.