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The CHHSN Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) shall be responsible for the supervision and conduct of all college-wide nominations and elections to fill committee vacancies, for both College and University Committees seeking college representation, according to the guidelines established by the College.
1.1 The CHHSN Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) shall be responsible for the supervision and conduct of all college-wide nominations and elections to fill committee vacancies, for both College and University Committees seeking college representation, according to the guidelines established by the College.
2.1 The CHHSN Nominations and Elections Committee will solicit nominations from faculty and the Office of the Dean for faculty/staff willing to perform committee service, ensuring that all Schools, Departments and Programs have equal opportunity to recommend nominees.
2.2 The committee will hold elections after nominations are requested in accordance with established procedures.
2.3 The committee will maintain a current list of all elected committee positions with names of incumbents and remaining terms/years of terms in office. This information shall be shared with the Office of the Dean.
2.4 The committee will maintain an annual calendar of elections and anticipated vacancies.
2.5 The committee will maintain the NEC Committee’s webpage on the CHHSN website and update information related to college and university committees’ representatives at the beginning of each semester and as needed.
3.1.1 The committee shall consist of 3 tenured or tenure-track members; one member must be tenured. All must serve a 2-year term. Terms will be staggered.
3.1.2 Committee members must elect a Chair at the first meeting of the academic year. The Chair will disseminate relevant committee communications to all programs within the college.
3.1.3 If NEC committee member(s) seek to nominate for committee service, any nominated NEC member must recuse themselves from the election process.
3.2.1 Develop Calls for Service requesting nominations to ensure an appropriate slate for College and University Committee vacancies, such that all Schools, Departments and Programs have equal opportunity to recommend nominees.
3.2.2 Confirm committees’ active representatives and need for elections with each corresponding administrative assistant.
3.2.3 Open the call for nominations for no fewer than five (5) working days.
3.2.4 Communicate with Chairs/Directors/Coordinators/The Office of the Dean to solicit nominations if no nominees come forward.
3.2.5 If no nominations or insufficient nominations are received, open a second call for nominations for no fewer than three (3) working days.
3.2.6 Open the electronic voting ballot for no fewer than five (5) working days to poll the electorate.
3.2.7 Ensure fair voting practices by permitting one electorate vote per individual.
3.2.8 Oversee that if only one candidate is nominated for a given position, the given ballot shall include a choice to abstain (e.g., yes, no, abstain). Said candidate must receive 51% of cast votes to be elected. If fewer than 51% of the votes are in favor of the candidate, another call for service will be initiated.
3.2.9 Exclude all duplicate electorate votes submitted per individual from consideration in the final count of votes.
3.2.10 Disseminate results of college-wide elections to the Office of the Dean, all college faculty, and newly elected faculty representatives.
3.2.11 Notify electee of election results, request confirmation of service, and notification of any change in their service to the committee’s chair and Dean’s office.