Janine Gasco

Janine Gasco

College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences

Department of Anthropology

Professor Emerita


Ph.D., 1987, University of California, Santa Barbara (Anthropology)
M.A., 1982, University of California, Santa Barbara
B.A., 1977, University of California, Santa Barbara


ANT 101 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANT 102 Ancient Civilizations
ANT 330 North American Indians
ANT 333 Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Guatemala
ANT 339 Native Cultures of Mexico and Central America
ANT 490 Proseminar in Anthropology


Historical Anthropology of Latin America
Mesoamerican Prehistory
Historical Archaeology
Historical Demography
Economic Anthropology
History of Native America



2011Prehistoric Settlement on the South Pacific Coast of Chiapas, Mexico.  Co-authored with Barbara Voorhies and Paul Cackler.  Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, Provo.
2007The Legacy of Mesoamerica:  History and Culture of a Native American Civilization, 2ndedition.  Co-  edited with Robert M. Carmack and Gary H. Gossen.   Prentice-Hall.
2004Postclassic Soconusco Society:  The Late Prehistory of the Coast of Chiapas, Mexico.  Co-authored with Barbara Voorhies.  Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, State University of New York
1997Approaches to Historical Archaeology in Middle and South America.  Co-edited with Greg
Smith and Patricia Fournier-García.   Institute of Archaeology, UCLA.  


2012El Paisaje del Soconusco desde el Posclásico Tardío hasta el siglo XX. In Arqueología Reciente de Chiapas: Contribuciones del Encuentro Celebrado en el 60° Aniversario de la Fundación Arqueológica Nuevo Mundo. Lynneth Lowe y Mary Pye, Editoras, pp. 295-312. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, #72, Brigham Young University, Provo.
2012Cacao and Commerce in Postclassic Mesoamerica. In Children of the Plumed Serpent: The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico. Virginia M. Fields, John. M.D. Pohl, and Victoria L. Lyall, eds., pp. 78-79. Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Scala Publishers, Los Angeles.
2008‘Le da alegría tener flores’: Homegardens in the Soconusco Region of Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Ethnobiology 28(2):259-277.
2006Beyond the Indio-Ladino Dichotomy: Shifting Identities in Colonial Chiapas. In NewWorld, First Nations: Native Peoples of Mesoamerica and the Andes under Colonial Rule.D.Cahil  and B. Tovias, eds. Sussex Academic Press.
2006Soconusco Cacao Farmers Past and Present.  In The Origins of Chocolate: Cacao in the  Americas.  C. McNeil, ed. University of Florida Press.
2005Spanish Colonialism and Processes of Social Change in Mesoamerica. In The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters: Comparative Perspectives.  G. Stein, ed. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series.
2005The Consequences of Spanish Colonial Rule for the Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas, Mexico. In The Transformation from Postclassic to Colonial Periods in Mesoamerica, R. Alexander and S.  Kepecs, eds.  University of New Mexico Press.
2003Soconusco.  In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World.  Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan, eds.  University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2001Mixe and Maya: A Comparative Demographic History of the Native Populations of Soconusco and Suchitepequez.  In The Past and Present Maya: Essays in Honor of Robert  M. Carmack, J. Weeks, ed. Labyrinthos Press, Lancaster, CA.
1997Consolidation of the Colonial Regime:  Native Society in Western Central America. Historical Archaeology 31(1):55-63.
1996Cacao and Economic Inequality in Colonial Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico.  Journal ofAnthropological Research Vol. 52(4):385-409.
1993Socioeconomic Change within Native Society in Colonial Soconusco, New Spain.  In Ethnohistory and Archaeology:  Approaches to Postcontact Change in the Americas, D. Rogers and S. Wilson, eds.  Plenum Press, New York.
1992Material Culture and Colonial Indian Society in Southern Mesoamerica:  The View from Coastal Chiapas, Mexico.  Historical Archaeology Vol. 26:67-74.
1990Mexico's Crown Colony of Cacao. Archaeology Vol 43. No. 5:62-64.  (co-authored with
Jerry D. Moore).
1990Perishable Structures and Serial Dwellings from Coastal Chiapas:  Implications for the Archaeology of Households. Ancient Mesoamerica Vol. 1 No. 2:205-212 (co-authored with Jerry D. Moore).
1989Economic History of Ocelocalco, a Colonial Soconusco Town.  In Ancient Trade and  Tribute:Economies of the Soconusco Region of Mesoamerica, B. Voorhies, ed. University of Utah Press.
1987Economic Organization in Colonial Soconusco, New Spain:  Local and External Influences. Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol. 8.  B. Isaac, ed.


Professional Affiliations

  • American Anthropological Association
  • Society for Applied Anthropology
  • Society for American Archaeology
  • American Society for Ethnohistory