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The Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Program consists of a community of multicultural, multiprofessional and multigenerational scholar/practitioners who study, care about and build relationships with the communities that are served. Whether developing peacebuilding process and curriculum in local schools, working to socially integrate gangs at home, or peacebuilding on the island of Cyprus or in nations in Africa, the program is committed to reflective practice and practitioners, and cross-cultural and multi-ethnic models of conflict prevention, management and resolution. The program employs a multidisciplinary approach emphasizing law, social and behavioral sciences, engagement in community and organizational settings, advancing state-of-the-art distance learning programs internationally, and enriching the ability of individuals, groups, organizations and communities to address conflicts collaboratively and constructively.
As scholar/practitioners, the faculty brings over a century of real-world experience in the field of appropriate dispute resolution providing a unique opportunity to examine and analyze a conflicted world from a creative, academic and restorative vantage. The faculty does so while demonstrating the courage to join the grass roots of civil society, working hand-in-hand with community members, to promote the benefits of constructive conflict resolution over the destruction that is the product of violence.
Devoted to the study and practice of worldwide peacebuilding, domestically the program has engaged in dispute resolution opportunities with the City and County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Department of Interior and the U. S. Office of Personnel, as well as training opportunities for community non-profit mediation centers. Internationally it has been involved in peacebuilding work in the Balkans, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Israel and the Middle East, Norway, Spain, South Africa and Southeast Asia. Students representing over 70 countries have participated academically.