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If you are seeing an Advising Hold on your student portals, this will not allow you to enroll for your Fall 2024 classes unless removed. To remove this, you must meet with a major advisor to discuss your academic progress and they will help remove it. To schedule your appointment, please make sure to follow the steps below:
When you log into your TSC account and search for advising appointments you need to search for “Online Academic Advising” at the very bottom of the dropdown.
GRADUATE STUDENTS – make sure to meet with Dr. Han for MSCS and Dr. Beheshti for MSCY.
This is a friendly reminder that if you need a permission number for any of the courses, please make sure that you are approved to take the course. This means that you have met a CSC academic advisor to help provide you with the recommended courses for the upcoming semester.
In addition, please make sure that you are emailing with full details: Subject Area, Catalog Number, Class Section, Student ID number, and Academic Term.
For example: CSC 101-01 | Student ID # | Fall 2024
This will help us avoid delays and multiple back and forth in emails.