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The Department of English is honored to present novelist, screenwriter, memoirist, comic book author, and journalist J. Michael Straczynski for the 2024 Patricia Eliet Memorial Lecture.
Straczynski’s prolific and award-winning career includes film credits for five movies that collectively earned nearly two billion dollars: Changeling, Thor, Ninja Assassin, Underworld Awakening, and World War Z. He has also written over 300 produced television episodes and seven TV movies, and has been a creator and show-runner for such series as Babylon 5, Jeremiah, Crusade, and Sense8.
His graphic novels have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List, and sold over 13 million individual issues, including The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, Superman: Earth One, Midnight Nation, Dream Police, and Rising Stars. Straczynski has also published several novels, an autobiography, and a book on writing, and was formerly a journalist for publications including the Los Angeles Times, Writer’s Digest, and others.